Saint Seraphim of Sarov Eastern Orthodox Cathedral

From the moment the Christian Church was founded in 33 AD, it has been subject to persecution.  In the early days of Christianity, it was easy to spot the persecution because it was aimed directly at the physical lives of the early Christians.  In this modern day and time, the persecution is very subtle, and sometimes comes disguised, like wolves among the sheep.  This modern form of persecution is far more dangerous to the spirit than the “in your face” persecution of the early Christian Church.  At least in the days of the early Christian Church, your enemies were highly visible. Today, the enemy operates in a clandestine manner and can masquerade as spirits of light.  We have been warned about this type of persecution, and about wolves in sheep’s clothing in the Scriptures.  We must heed this warning and realize that protection of the Holy Christian Church is of vital importance, now more than ever in this day and age.  The Clergy, Churches and members of THEOCUS are dedicated to following the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He teaches us to love our enemies, and pray for them that persecute us.   This we will do. We will follow His Holy Teachings, because to abide in the True Vine, you must also abide in Him, Who is the True Vine, and to do that, you must follow His precepts in unconditional love.  Please join us in saying this prayer of protection for our Archdiocese. And may our merciful Lord and Savior protect everyone under the shelter of His Almighty Wings.



By: His Beatitude, +Metropolitan Michael

 In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, The Trinity, One in Essence and Undivided.

 Lord, You promised that wherever two or more are gathered in Your Name, You will be in their midst. Hear us today as we unite our hearts in prayer to You, our Lord, God and Savior.

 First of all, we ask for Your Divine Forgiveness and Absolution for any of our thoughts or actions that are contrary to Your Holy Teachings. Teach us Your Precepts so that our path may be enlightened by Your Holy Wisdom. Direct our steps so that we may walk with You, and abide in You, the True Vine and source of everlasting life, peace and joy.

 We also unconditionally forgive those who have persecuted us up to this present day. We pray that You would send to those who persecute us, the gift of the Holy Spirit to gently soften their hearts and purge from them any grudge or thought of malice toward us, either imagined or real.   Fill us also with the Holy Spirit so that our hearts may be softened and purified. Purge from us any grudge or thought of malice toward our persecutors.

 We ask fervently for Divine Protection of THEOCUS; all its Churches; its Clergy, and all its people. We ask that You surround us with Your Holy Angels; encompassing us with a mighty spiritual fortress of Your Holy Protection and Light.

 Help us to believe the truth, teach the truth, and live the truth as You taught us by the example of Your Holy Life, when You walked among us as God Incarnate. Bless our endeavors to serve You, the True and Living God in peace, love, and joy. Bless us to give freely of ourselves the very best of our efforts as an offering to You, our Master and Benefactor.

 Bless THEOCUS, its Churches, its Clergy, and its people to grow and prosper. Help us to return to You; the Holy Master, the Talents You have entrusted to us with interest, so that we may be counted as worthy stewards of Your Holy Church on Earth. Grant us, Your true believing children peace, safety, Divine love, and Heavenly protection, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.






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