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Saint Seraphim of Sarov Eastern Orthodox Cathedral "Acquire the spirit of peace and a thousand souls around you shall be saved"
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"Eastern Orthodox Christianity - Telling the truth since 33 AD"
The entire world needs prayer during this difficult time. As everyone is impacted by COVID-19 in some way, we need to pause and reflect on the source of our help. What all of us can do is pray for the entire world. Prayer is possible in every situation that we find ourselves. Heartfelt prayer to our Merciful, Lord Jesus Christ is priceless and It is Our Lord that will help us through these perilous times. During the season of Great Lent, we are called upon to look inward and to examine the condition of our hearts and minds and souls. Let us never forget the teachings of Jesus Christ. We must love one another as God loves you. This Holy Lenten season is definitely a challenging one; however, it is an opportunity for us to concentrate on prayer and love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Many families are suffering greatly and have lost precious family members; to those families, we offer our most heartfelt sympathies and Christian love. To those whom we have lost, may their Memories be Eternal. We pray for those who are on the front-line of this situation, our healthcare providers. May our Lord protect them and bless them for their efforts to render aid and comfort to those afflicted with COVID-19. Times like these remind us how precious and fragile life is! Times like these call us to prayer and unconditional love! |
Are you disenchanted with your current church? Are you looking for a spiritual Church that is free of politics? In today's fast-paced, changing world, we all need a solid, unchanging place to provide rest and nourishment for our souls. St. Seraphim's in High Point is a wonderful place of spiritual worship and we welcome you to worship with us. We're a small Church with a caring, and loving family atmosphere. St. Seraphim's is a member of The Holy Synod of the Americas, an Independent Eastern/Western Orthodox Synod. We celebrate the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom every Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. We are located at 303 Eastchester Drive, High Point, North Carolina in the building behind St. Christopher's Episcopal Church. |
OFFICIAL RESPONSE TO THE 2016 ECUMENICAL COUNCIL MEETING: Joint statement from The Holy Synod of the Americas And THEOCUS Archdiocese In Reference to the 2016 Pan-Orthodox Ecumenical Synod Meeting; we, the Hierarchs of The Holy Synod of the Americas, of one accord issue our Ecclesiastical Response. First and foremost, the Ecumenical Council of 2016 did not follow the protocol that is required By Canon Law. The Doctrines of the previous Ecumenical Councils were not confirmed and ratified at the beginning of the meeting. From the outset, this action alone disqualified the meeting in 2016 as a true Ecumenical Council. Secondly, all participants did not agree on all of the articles, some chosen participants refused to attend. Other chosen participants refused to sign the documents presented and discussed at the Ecumenical Council. These actions alone indicate that there was no “True Unity” and acceptance of the articles set forth in the meeting. Furthermore, not all of Orthodox Christendom was invited to participate. Invitations were issued to the Roman Catholic Church and many Protestant Churches. These churches were represented at the Council meeting. They were addressed as “Sister Churches”, while the Independent Orthodox Churches were excluded. Third and possibly the most disturbing of all was the implied acceptance of Ecumenism. The word “Orthodoxy” means “Correct Glory”. The word Orthodox has come to mean a strict following of the truth and correct praise and worship to the Holy Trinity. This is what we, the Hierarchs of The Holy Synod of the Americas, understand as our duty to uphold and defend. At our consecration to the Episcopate in The Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church we made promises to defend the truth and to teach the truth. This means, in our understanding, upholding the Canons and Traditions of the Orthodox Faith as it has been handed down from the Apostles of Jesus Christ our Lord, God and Savior, and the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils. Often, Independent Orthodox Churches are ostracized and declared non-Canonical by the Main-Line Orthodox Churches under the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. When the Ecumenical Patriarch openly commits acts that are against the Holy Canons of the Church as defined by the Apostles and the Seven Ecumenical Councils, does that not call into question the Canonical Status of the Main Line Orthodox Churches? The Pan-Orthodox Ecumenical Council of 2016 was controversial at best and clearly indicates that the Main Line Orthodox Church is “Rudderless” in a sea of heresy. Having not been invited to the meeting we were not offered a chance to accept or refute the articles that were considered by the Council. Based on the vast body of evidence that is now available; however, we reject the blatant acceptance of Ecumenism that was at the very heart of the Pan-Orthodox Ecumenical Council of 2016. As an Independent Orthodox Synod, we continue to recognize the Seven Ecumenical Councils that were Canonical and inspired by The Holy Spirit. We, the Hierarchs of The Holy Synod of the Americas do not recognize the Pan-Orthodox Council Meeting of 2016 as a true Ecumenical Council as defined in the Canons of the Orthodox Church.
Your journey toward God are hallowed steps, illuminated by the Grace of the Son of Righteousness, powered by Faith in the Son of God, and blessed with unconditional love as only God can give! Copyright © 2016 - All Rights Reserved |
PLEASE, COME WORSHIP WITH US! "Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28. In this fast paced world of pagers, email, and cell phones, few can find the spiritual rest and peace of mind that they so desperately need. Unfortunately, even some churches are filled with politics and power struggles, as if we don’t get enough of that at work! "Be still and know that I am God". Psalm 46 Our spirit needs to be rested and recharged so we will be better able to cope with the day-to-day struggles of life. In this world of turmoil we are all looking for a peaceful place to escape, if only for a short while. Finding a peaceful spiritual home these days can sometimes be a daunting task. St. Seraphim of Sarov Eastern Orthodox Cathedral is a rare haven of spirituality, peace and prayer. "My Kingdom is not of this world". John 18:36. Christ’s Holy Church is an earthly glimpse of His Heavenly Kingdom that is not of this world. Orthodox Christianity offers an "other worldly" appeal for those who want to rest and renew their spirit. If you are looking for a church home free from the politics of this world, St. Seraphim’s is certainly the right place for you. St. Seraphim’s is a small but growing church that has been in the Triad area for 11 years. We are a member of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church of the United States, an independent, self-governing Diocese. Our primary worship service is the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom which we celebrate every Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. All of our worship services are done in English. We are located on the corner of Eastchester and Johnson Streets in High Point. DIRECTIONS TO OUR FACILITY:
What makes a Church a Cathedral in Orthodox Tradition?
Read about the Miracle that happened at St. Seraphim's in High Point